Friday 23 March 2012

Neck Tattoos

                    This is one for those who like to stand out. Most people really want or have a tattoo, the most common regions for tattoos are the shoulders, lower back, sleeves, or ankles, but this is a way to be noticed. Neck tattoos are mostly placed on the back of the neck but are also seen on the side or sides of your neck but sometimes put on the very front coming around both sides, or even connecting to a existing chest tattoo. These tattoos are not for the weak they are known for pain, the skin on say the back of the neck is thinner than than skin on your arm or back, there is also little padding or fat between the skin and the bone which makes the process that more painful. The healing time for these tattoos is longer than others, the reason being that the continuous motion of the head delays healing and causes the tattoo to scab quicker. Most tattoos have a meaning like a spider tattoo means creativity or a leaf tattoo meaning joy and rebirth, in society today people have come to the conclusion that a neck tattoo means the same thing on everyone, "I am not getting a job"! This is a great way to stand out!

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