Friday 24 February 2012

Hip Piercing

           This is not the most popular piercing but I love it! Hip piercing is fairly new, they are a surface piercing placed in the pelvic area near the hip bone. Most people get matching piercings on each side to look more symmetrical. These are performed using a newer method called Trans Dermal Implants, using a surface piercing. When you get this done you can either get a surface bar or microdermals. It takes about a year for the piercing to heal completely if there was no infection or troubles, you should wait at least eight months before changing any of your jewelry from the holes. You do not want to wear any tight clothes  that will be rubbing on your fresh piercing or it is very probable that it will get irritated and more sore, so you get those oh-my-god-I-just-want -to-rip-these-things-out thoughts. Hopfully these piercings will get more popular in the near future beacuse I love them!

Surface Piercing- noun; any body piercing where the canal of the piercing is under and across a piece of skin rather than through a body part.
Trans Dermal Implants- noun; a method of piercing where the piercer punches a hole straight intro the skin and then lifts the skin surrounding it with a taper, and he commences on inserting the anchoring

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