Probably the most common body piercing among women. The navel piercing is also known as: belly button piercing, or a belly piercing. It can be anywhere through the tissue around the navel, but is most commonly placed vertically threw the top piece of flesh above your belly button. This piercing is most common with women but is found on men also. The reason for the navel piercings popularity is that it is easy to hide, but also easy to show off, the navel piercing doesn't usually attract criticism or any type of discrimination. The jewelry put in this piercing is usually a curved bar with two balls, one on each end, a smaller one on top and a bigger one with a design or image on it. There is also jewelry with dangling decorations on them, though they are heavy on your piercing, I don't recommend wearing these until the piercing is completely healed. Some don'ts for when you get this piercing are: do not wear tight fitting clothing that will rub up against, and irritate the fresh piercing, don't touch your piercing for any other reason than to clean it, do not change the jewelry until it is completely healed, don't wear heavy
jewelry or dangling jewelry, when you first get it, heavy jewelry will pull the piercing down and irritate it, and danglers will do the same thing, there is also a risk of danglers getting caught on belts or pants, and ripping out a new piercing is not good. Do not go into any pool, hot tub or spa with a navel piercing until it is completely healed, the bacteria in the water is bound to irritate or infect, contrary to most rumours, chlorine is not good for the piercing, it is way to harsh on the piercing, same with hand sanitisers, strong soaps, or peroxide. Try to stick to a saline solution, or a piercing spray. One of the most common body piercings among women, the navel piercing.
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