Ear stretching is a very easy thing to do, but its also very easy to mess up. I suggest that if you want to stretch your ears, you already have an existing ear piercing that is completely healed. The first thing you want to do is get your piercing to at least a 12 gauge (2mm) hole before you really big, with this size you can see through the ear lobe, but the hole is quite small. Some people will go from 12 gauge to a much bigger size like 00 gauge (10mm) or a 5/8" (16mm), some problems with this is you can "blow out" your ear lobe, this means the lobe will rip open causing obvious problems, or your ear could swell from the new pressure caused from the large increase in size. Others choose to increase slowly, going up every next or second size, this is how I prefer to stretch. Once you put a new size earring in, you should let it be for a while, let your ear completely adjust to the change. You should also keep tour ears clean, I suggest cleaning every night with a good disinfectant soap, a intense facial wash works good. If your piercing gets badly infected seek professional help, do not take this lightly, infections can grow into bigger and more serious problems.
*** This blog is in MY opinion, I am not a professional and am not claiming any of my opinions in this blogs are facts or mandatory when stretching your ears***